Content Development
Content Development for a World of Information Seekers
While SEO is the foundation of how your website shows up on search engines, enabling customers to find you online, it’s a futile effort without unique, quality, relevant content development. Specialized, unique content – delivered on a consistent and continual basis – gives search engines what they crave. Simply stated, search engines (Google, Bing, etc.) are striving to deliver the best search results to their own clients: the world of information seekers.
By planting new content and web pages on your site, you’re developing seeds for future search engine rankings and inbound links. Think of SEO as applying “fertilizer” to your content.
By deploying search engine and content optimization, you’ll enjoy harvesting traffic from top search engines and social media sites.
- Think Green
- Think Content
- Think SEO
- For your master gardener… think KKom
While you’re busy focusing on your business operations, we’re busy focusing on the world of web marketing. Let’s talk about the opportunities to better grow your business!
Small Business SEO Growth
In a world where people search using keywords, understanding the trends of how people search grows more important all the time. Things to consider:
- Which media do my customers use most? Ie. Where do they spend time online?
- Which search tools do my customers use?
- What keywords do people use?
- What is my competition doing?
- What future technologies, devices, or search tools should I prepare for?