Lending Company
K-Kom collaborated with a California-based lending company to launch their brand in 2016.
The company was relying on cold-calling as their primary marketing tactic before working with K-Kom. Though this tactic brought in business, the CEO wanted to flip the model from outreach to inbound marketing.
The overall marketing goals were to:
- Gain awareness locally & regionally
- Gain new clients from small businesses and large corporate segments
- Gain search engine presence by ranking for industry-related terms.
Highlights (2016-2018)
Total initiative-based conversions grew by a min. of 20% year over year.
- 54 Conversions in 2016
- 322 Conversions in 2017 (496.29% Increase)
- 389 Conversions in 2018 (20.8% Increase)
Overall website visits grew by a min. of 35% from year over year.
- Jun-Dec 2016 – 1,542 Sessions
- Jun-Dec 2017 – 3,220 Sessions (108.82% increase)
- Jan-Dec 2017 – 5,130 Sessions
- Jan-Dec 2018 – 7,005 Sessions (36.55% Increase)
2016 Agenda & Initiatives
Agenda (Phase 1)
- Build brand awareness, search engine presence, and establish a baseline for future growth.
Marketing Initiatives June – Dec 2016 (Phase 1)
- Website SEO Setup
- Monthly SEO Maintenance
- Web Page Content Development
- Google Ads Campaign ($1500/mo budget for 3 months)
- Email Marketing (Monthly eblasts)
- Targeted Business Mailer Promotion (EDDM Mailer)
2016 Website Traffic (Jun-Dec)
2016 Highlights
For the first time ever, the website was getting steady traffic and producing leads from various traffic sources (pictured right).
By the end of Dec, 2016 there had been 54 loan applications submitted through the website.
The brand and messaging was gaining traction and starting to stand out among competitors.
2017 Agenda & Initiatives
Agenda (Phase 2)
- Continue with successful initiatives from phase 1.
- Build a voice for the company on social media platforms.
- Increase Search Engine Rankings to outrank competitors.
Marketing Initiatives Jan – Dec 2017
- Monthly SEO maintenance
- Continue content development on web pages
- Write & post weekly blog articles
- Email Marketing (reduced to bi-monthly)
- Social Media Management (3-5 posts per week + 1 monthly paid promotion)
2017 Website Traffic (Jan-Dec)
Over the course of the year, traffic continued to grow with 5,130 total sessions.
Traffic Comparison 2017 vs 2016 (Jun-Dec)
Since 2016 initiatives were from Jun-Dec, we compared traffic stats for the same period during both years to help measure performance.
Website Sessions grew 108.82% in 2017 over the same period in 2016.
2017 Highlights
The company was in a great position compared to the previous year with gains made across the board.
By the end of Dec, 2017 there had been 322 total leads through the website.
Organic traffic from search engines had increased 487.67%, showing a definitive increase in search presence among competitors.
2018 Agenda & Initiatives
After reviewing the previous year’s gains, the CEO wanted to scale back current initiatives and reduce the marketing budget in hopes of “riding the wave” that was created.
- Reduce initiatives to minimal levels.
- Maintain website’s good standing with search engines
Marketing Initiatives Jan – Dec 2018
- Monthly SEO maintenance
- Reduce blog posts to once a month
- Reduce social media postings to 3 times a week (no more paid promotions)
2018 Website Traffic (Jan-Dec)
The reduction in initiatives led to the wave lasting through May, then traffic levels dropped to nearly the same level as the previous year.
2018 Highlights
Despite the reduction in marketing budget and initiatives, there were gains made in 2018.
By the end of Dec, 2018 there had been 389 leads (20.8% increase) through the website.
Traffic started out strong and tapered off but there was still a 36.55% increase in overall sessions while organic search traffic increased by 67.75%.